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Monthly Archives: September 2014

First, there was golf. Then there was disc golf, which is like golf, but with a frisbee.

Now, I’ve learned about foot golf, which is like golf, except with a football. 18 holes, uphill and downhill, trees, bunkers, fairways, doglegs and straight aways. It’s a great afternoon out and really fun for everyone. No particular skill is needed.

The place is Basse Ruche and it’s near the St. Cergue ski area, if you’ve ever been there for skiing.

dpart trottinerbeBut, they have more than just footgolf. They have multiple ziplines (tyroliennes), one of which indicates your speed. They have SwinGolf which is a simpler version of golf with one club that serves as driver, wedge and putter and special golf balls. They have archery. They have Trottinerbe (“grass scooter”) which looks really cool, going down a slope on a scooter specially built for it.

And they have a great restaurant which serves fondue, fondue, and for the daring, fondue.

It’s only about 30 minutes from Geneva. Check it out!